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How to send log files

Steps to send log files on Windows, Linux, MacOS

Last updated: December 9, 2024

Log files contain information about how the Best Accountability app is running on your device. If you're experiencing issues, sending the log file shortly after the issue first starts is the best way to help us figure out what's going on so we can then solve the issue.

To send log files, do the following:

  1. Click on the Truple icon near the clock.* (On Windows you'll need to right click)
  2. Go to Troubleshoot
  3. Click Copy Logs to Desktop
  4. There should now be a file located on your destkop. Please send that file as an attachment to

* If the Truple icon isn't present, please send the log files (main.log, renderer.log) found at the following locations:

  • Windows - C:/Users/{your username}/AppData/Roaming/Truple/logs (AppData is a hidden directory, and may need to be typed in manually)
  • MacOS - ~/Library/Logs/truple/
  • Linux - ~/.config/truple/logs/
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