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Download Event Log

Steps to download and email the event log

Last updated: December 9, 2024

When troubleshooting Best Accountability customer support may request that you send them the event log for the device that you're concerned about. The steps below show you how to send the events.

  1. Open the Best Accountability website (login with your subscribed account)
  2. Find the device in question, and click on the # Events button to open it's event timeline
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Load more repeatedly until the event timeline has loaded enough events to cover the period of time in question.
  4. Click the floating menu button in the bottom right corner of the screen
  5. Click Download Event Log
  6. Email the eventlog.json file to (The event log contains all the information you see in the event timeline, so be sure you're comfortable sharing this information before you send it)
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